When researching the history of Temple Lodge, No. 33 we often come across items which may be of interest to members of Temple Lodge, to the Brethren of other Lodges and to geneologists and other researchers.

We recently came across these items that took place between 1920 and 1929. We will add new information as we uncover it.

- 1920 -

5 January 1920 - Emergent Meeting to conduct burial of Brother Percy Franklin Jaynes, of Ymir Lodge, No.31, at St. Peter's Quamichan.

".......On January 13th, I had the honour to accompany Most Worshipful Bro. Willis, G.M., to Duncan, where the Officers of the Lodge were installed. Thirty-three Past Masters were present, including eleven from Victoria.

On May 11th, accompanied by a number of Brethren from Victoria, I again visited this Lodge and had the pleasure of seeing Worshipful Master Dykes and his Officers confer the Third Degree in the excellent manner in which is always looked for in this Lodge. A buffet supper was served after the ceremony.

The books and records of the Lodge are well kept and the meetings are well attended.

Owing to the absence of nearly forty per cent of its membership on active service, all of whose dues have been remitted, the financial condition of the Lodge is not as flourishing as it might be, but this has not deterred the Lodge from attending to calls upon its charity and from keeping up a room in the local hospital. The outstanding dues are somewhat large and should receive more attention.

The Lodge owns its own building, but the amount of the outstanding debentures is large. It is hoped that with the return of the overseas Brethren means will be found to create a sinking fund to take care of these debentures..........

E.C. Hayward, D.D.G.M. No.1 District., Victoria, B.C., 2 June, 1920"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1920, page 49-50





".......I visited Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan, on Saturday, the 20th of October, 1923, accompanied by Brethren from Victoria. The first degree was exemplified in a very satisfactory manner. The officers and members are imbued with that truly Masonic spirit, whcih cannot fail to impress the new initiates.

We spent a very enjoyable evening and as usual with this Lodge we were most hospitably entertained.......

W.F. Richdale, D.D.G.M. No.1 District., Victoria, B.C., June, 1924"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1924, page 70


".......I next had the pleasure of installing the officers of Temple Lodge, No. 33, Duncan, on January 8th, 1924, accompanied by the following Brethren from Victoria, to whom my sincere thanks are due: Most Worshipful Bros. William Henderson and S.J. Willis, Rt. Worshipful Bro. Munro Miller and Worshipful Bro. R. Peden who drove us up in his car. I take this opportunity of thanking the Right Worshipful and Worshipful Brethren of Temple Lodge for valuable assistance rendered me on this occasion.

Their usual hospitality was extended to the visitors and altogether we spent a very pleasant and profitable evening.....

W.F. Richdale, D.D.G.M. No.1 District., Victoria, B.C., June, 1924"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1924, page 72


25th Anniversay of Temple Lodge, No. 33

".......The Most Worshipful the Grand Master presided at the Installation of Officers of Temple Lodge, No. 33, on Tuesday, january 13th, 1925, and I had the honour of attending him, in company with many other Brethren from Victoria. At the close of the ceremony, adjournment was made to the Banquet Hall, where the hospitality of the Duncan Brethren was extended in very generous measure.

At very short notice I also paid an official visit to Temple Lodge of Tuesday, March 31st, 1925. The affairs of the Lodge are in excellent shape, and the officers and members are to be congratulated on the wise business management which has enabled them to deal so successfully with the financing of the building [note: the Masonic Temple, built in 1912] in the face of the difficulties created during the war years. W. Bro. H.W. McKenzie displayed a high degree of efficiency in the work of the Master Mason degree....

Samuel McClure, D.D.G.M. No.1 District., Victoria, B.C., June, 1925"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1925, pages 81-82

"On July 15th, 1925, a splendid function was held in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the constitution of Temple Lodge, and I gladly responded to an invitation to attend. Firstly, a banquet was held in the Agricultural Hall, there being nearly five hundred ladies and Brethren present. Right Worshipful Brother A. Peterson acted as toast-master, and interesting speeches and addresses were given, recalling the formation and early history of the Lodge. It was related that Temple Lodge started with thirteen charter members, of who three are still living, and two of them, namely Worshipful Bros. Robinson and Frame, were honoured guests of the occasion. I took the opportunity to convey to the Brethren of Temple Lodge the felicitaions and good wishes of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and also assured them of the high esteem in which their Lodge was held among the constituent Lodges of the Jurisdiction. At the conclusion of the banquet the guests participated in a very enjoyable dance, to the music of the Gizeh Temple Shrine Band.

It was an event that will long be remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present.......

W.P. Marchant, D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1926, page 69


".......A dual official visit [to Temple Lodge] was paid by the Most Worshipful Grand Master and myself on January 12th, 1926. By direstion of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, and at the request of Worshipful Master McKenzie, I took charge of the installation of officers. This was a peculiarly pleasant task, in that Worshipful Master - elect, Worshipful Brother Gordon, was raised in my mother Lodge, and I had had the previous pleasure in taking some small part in conferring the degrees upon him, and the acquaintance and friendship thus formed has continued and increased until the present time.

Gathering around the banquet table after the Lodge was closed, the Brethren listened attentively to an inspiring address by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, in which he reviewed the progress Freemasonry has made and is making in the Jurisdiction, and eloquently presented the lofty principles which ought to actuate all who ranged beneath its banner.

I made a further official visit [to Temple Lodge] on the 4th May, 1926, and witnessed Worshipful Brother Gordon and his officers exemplify the third degree in a very dignified and impressive manner.

Temple Lodge is in a very prosperous condition, and they are to be congratulated this year on being able to retire a very considerable portion of the bonded indebtedness on their Temple..........

W.P. Marchant, D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1926, pages 69-70


".......On January 8th, 1929, I had the honour of being invited to install the Officers of Temple Lodge No. 33, by W. Bro. Harper, the retiring Master. Many Past Masters and Brethren journeyed to the city of Duncan to witness and assist in the work. Once again the Most Worshipful Grand Master and myself on January 12th, 1926. By direstion of the Most Worshipful Grand Master honoured me with his presence and consented to take part in the proceedings and assisted me in installing W. Bro. McColl and his officers into their respective offices. This, I understand, was, perhaps, the largest meeting in point of numbers that Temple Lodge has ever had, many not being able to find seating accomodations in the Lodge room.

On April 3rd, 1929, I visited the Lodge officially. This being an Emergent Meeting not many of the Brethren were present, but what was lacking in numbers was more than made up in enthusiasm. W. Bro. McColl and his officers conferred the second degree on two candidates in a dignified and impressive manner, W. Bro. Harper assisting in the work. The Middle Chamber lecture was delived in a very capable manner by the Senior Deacon, Bro. Peterson......

M. James Little , D.D.G.M., District No. 1, Victoria"

Source:Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of B.C., A.F. & A.M., 1929, page 89







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Visiting Duncan and the Cowichan Valley

- Items of Historical Interest -

- 1920 to 1929 -
|| 1899 to 1909 || 1910 to 1919 || 1920 to 1929 || 1930 to 1939 || 1940 to 1949 || 1950 to 1959 || 1960 to 1969 || 1970 to 1979 || 1980 to 1989 || 1990 to 1999 || 2000 -